
Click Farms: The Hidden Challenge Facing Social Media Platforms

In the fast-paced world of social media, where likes, shares, and followers hold significant value, there’s a secret threat: click farms. These farms typically involve…

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Will AI ChatGPT Eliminate the Need for Human Learning?

We explore the question of whether programs like ChatGPT, a powerful artificial intelligence, has the potential to eliminate the need for human learning. We consider…

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It’s all about your DATA: Exposed

We live in a world where Data is considered one of the most crucial components of any business. We talk about Privacy, but we carelessly…

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Web 3 0

Is the fate of the Internet permissionless: Web3.0 explained

If you’ve been around the blockchain or into the crypto space you’ve probably heard about Web3.0. So let’s understand this in simple layman’s terms and…

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A simple understanding of Data Broker: Explained or Exposed

Your personal data that you thought was secured is most probably being traded on daily basis, without your consent. Most of us don’t know or…

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Know the topmost wifi signal interference around you

Whether it is working from home, online classes, or playing your favorite call of duty game, or watching the Money heist season 5 or Squid…

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Cloud Kitchens are the New Restaurants

So, Is Cloud Kitchen just a concept? No! Not anymore with the rising demands for online food delivery and consumer inclination toward online food services…

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Now what exactly DeFi is ?

Have you ever heard about DeFi before? Are DeFi apps the ultimate killer apps in the crypto space or just new hype? No matter if…

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Govt-backed Digital Currencies is the new substitute for Cryptocurrency

Central Banks to launch their own digital currencies, the concept of digital currency is not unusual to us anymore. Many of us use digital wallets,…

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